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Energy Law

Lawyers in energy Law

Virtually CO2-neutral by 2050: it’s a tough ambition. Market players and governments are working on it and there is a quick succession of initiatives in the energy sector. Of course, all these plans need to be carefully implemented and comply with all laws and regulations. Moreover, it is essential that agreements between the parties involved are properly recorded – and that’s not always easy. Especially when laws and regulations have not yet been adapted to the goals that have been set or to new technological possibilities and contracts are  drawn up for the long term. TRIP Law is on hand to give you expert advice.

Energy law

We know what we are talking about. Our team has been involved in the realisation of several large wind and solar farms and heat projects as well as in the establishment of energy companies that aim to facilitate energy transition at a local level. In addition, our energy team is experienced in handling the legal issues concerning the production, transport, storage and supply of various energy carriers. We also litigate on these issues when necessary.

The knowledge gained through the energy projects is pooled and shared within our energy team, whether it concerns the construction of solar and wind farms, developments with hydrogen, or the continual developments within the electricity market. We closely follow all changes in energy law and work closely with you when considering the legal possibilities, consequences and solutions for sustainable energy projects.

At home with energy law

Our team of lawyers is happy to provide clear and practical advice on:

  1. Heat

The aim to emit 95% less CO2 in 2050 compared to 1990 needs to be realised in the Netherlands by making built environments more sustainable. Collective heat grids play a crucial role in this and, if it were up to the legislature, they would be practically CO2-neutral. Homes will have to switch away from gas and link up to a collective heat grid. In addition, geothermal heat will play an increasingly important role in our energy mix.

Our specialists at Trip Law can help you with the legal issues you face when it comes to supplying heat and realising heat and geothermal heat projects, including such matters as:

  • the embedding of heat and geothermal heat projects and collective heat systems in environment law
  • the development of geothermal heat projects and collective heat systems
  • the role of the government in the development of geothermal and collective heat systems
  • the settlement of disputes between heat suppliers and users
  • legislation and regulations regulating the extraction and exploitation of collective heat systems such as the Mining Act, the Heating Supply Act and the future Collective Heating Supply Act
  • Electricity

The electricity sector is crucial to energy transition. On the one hand, the sector is responsible for a large proportion of CO2 emissions, and so to reduce these emissions, electricity is increasingly being produced using renewable energy sources, such as sun and wind. Furthermore, with society becoming increasingly electrified, there will be a strong increase in the demand for renewable electricity in the future.

Our specialists at Trip Law can help you with the legal issues you face when it comes to realising electricity projects such as solar and wind farms, including:

  • spatial incorporation, permits and carrying out legal proceedings
  • obtaining subsidies
  • financing solar and wind farms
  • connections to the electricity grid and obtaining transport capacity
  • the development of energy communities
  • the settlement of disputes between various players in the electricity chain
  • legislation and regulations regulating the production, transport, storage and supply of electricity, such as the Electricity Act 1998 and the new Energy Law
  • Hydrogen and gas/biogas

Hydrogen is not only a promising energy carrier but is also a resource that can be applied in numerous ways in industry. It is therefore of no surprise that hydrogen has been attributed with an important role in making both the energy sector and industry more sustainable.

Gas and biogas are also expected to play an important role in the coming decades, not least as means of guaranteeing security of energy supply.

Our specialists at Trip Law can help you with the legal issues you face when it comes to hydrogen, gas and biogas, including matters such as:

  • the development of hydrogen and gas/biogas projects
  • commercial contracts for the storage and transport of gas
  • the liability of mining operators for earthquake damage
  • the settlement of disputes between various players in the gas chain
  • legislation and regulations regulating the production, transport, storage and supply of gasses such as the Mining Act, the Gas Act and the new Energy Law
  • Energy storage

In order to be able to have sufficient and affordable energy at any time of the day and throughout the year, it is essential that energy can be stored efficiently. However, although the storage of electricity and hydrogen is crucial to energy transition, it is still in its infancy.

Our specialists at Trip Law can help you with the legal issues you face when it comes to hydrogen, gas and biogas, including matters such as:

  • the realisation of batteries, possibly alongside the development of renewable energy projects
  • the storage of gaseous energy carriers and the associated commercial contracts
  • the settlement of disputes concerning energy storage
  • legislation and regulations relevant to energy storage facilities such as the Mining Act, the Gas Act, the Electricity Act 1998 and the new Energy Law

The assurance of advice that will work

If you need help on any of the areas listed above, or if you need other legal advice concerning energy law, then feel free to contact one of the sector experts at TRIP Law. We’ll then discuss your issue and the right approach, so that we know which specialist is best for you and so you know what to expect. Together, we get the best results.

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