TRIP Groningen
050 599 7999
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TRIP Assen
0592 393 333
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TRIP Leeuwarden
058 234 7347
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As a global food producer, the Netherlands ranks at the top in terms of quality and productivity, and you should be proud of this. Staying at the top, however, is becoming increasingly challenging. The legal issues you face as a farmer or agricultural entrepreneur are wide-ranging. TRIP Law is on hand to give you expert advice.
Agricultural entrepreneurship today
Today, food needs to be produced for more and more people but using ever less land and raw materials. There’s a rise in international competition and social pressure to produce more sustainably and new technology is more widely available. These challenges lead to wonderful opportunities, but do regulations allow you to seize these opportunities? Our agri & food sector team can help you with the legal issues you may face, so that you can confidently build on the future of your business.
Our sector team of lawyers is happy to provide clear and practical advice on:
If you need help on any of the areas listed above, or if you need other legal advice concerning agri & food, then feel free to contact one of the sector experts at TRIP Law. We’ll then discuss your issue and the right approach, so that we know which specialist is best for you and so you know what to expect. Together, we get the best results.
Need more information? Get in touch with the nearest expert.
Feel free to contact us
Within this branche our specialists have experience in the following expertises: